Sunday, June 28, 2009

Making Text Bigger

I'm slowly learning how to do things on this web site. I really need to find some book like "Blogspot for Dummies." I see other cool looking blogs that use blogspot but I can't figure out how to do many of the things that should be easy and would help the looks of my posts. Maybe that's why I don't have my own Facebook or Myspace page. This stuff is just not intuitive to me. My excuse for everything technology related is that I'm fifty something and I'm doing the best I can.

But at least I have figured out how to MAKE TEXT BIGGER - a very important feature if I want my generation of friends to read any of these posts. You young folks better not snicker, your turn is coming and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.

So I went back and edited my posts to enlarge the font and add some pictures. Now if I just had a clue how to put pictures where I want them within the post and if I knew how to enlarge the font on the post titles..... The other thing that seems to be above my pay grade is linking to another web site from within a post.

After reading a few FAQ's, some of my difficulties may be related to the fact that I'm using a Mac with the Safari browser. Evidently with Safari you have to do some things "manually." What does that mean? How do you do something "manually" on a computer?

Maybe eventually I will install Firefox, the browser that blogspot favors, or just use the Windows side of my computer to connect to blogspot through Internet Explorer.

Or maybe my blog will just stay rather plain. Works for me.

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