Friday, June 11, 2010

Did anyone get the license plate number of that truck?

Yeah, that truck that hit me last Friday. Modern medicine and the human body are miraculous, but, this time, it really will take some recovery time. I had a few inches of my colon removed on Friday night. Tuesday afternoon I came home. I have a one-eyed smiley face on my belly now, but all the pertinent parts seem to be functioning. It will just take some time.

Wednesday I spent the day in a friend's recliner, since, to add insult to injury, our air conditioner went out while I was in the hospital.

Yesterday was kinda' fun - did interesting client work that had to be done due to the State of Florida deadlines that are non negotiable. Read a couple of fun books. Went for a short drive.

Paid the price with an uncomfortable night, so here I am, in the recliner, taking life easy a few hours at a time.

I came up with a few numbers to summarize the last week..........

1 - The number of cancerous polyps I had removed by removing that section of my colon. (For some reason, I really, really don't like the work "malignant.")

2 - How many hours I spent in recovery after my three hour surgery. Normally, it only takes about an hour in recovery. However, one of the rules is that you have to be able to talk before leaving the recovery room. During recovery, someone would ask me questions. I would give a thumbs up, or a thumbs down or a shake of the hand, depending on the question, but would not talk. Finally, they sent for Ricky, out in the waiting room, telling him I was fine, but had some "issues" and needed his help. I think finally I said "don't want to talk" and they took me to my room.

3 - The days between my cancer diagnosis and surgery, performed by one of the top rated surgeons in the Dallas area.

15 - The number of family and friends who took over the waiting area during my surgery.

29 - The median number of days between a colon cancer diagnosis and the necessary surgery if you live in Canada.

34 - The number of lymph nodes removed and tested, all of which were negative.

Countless - The friends, family, students, co-workers and friends of friends who have sent prayers, notes, cards, flowers, balloons, food, time, encouragement and support. It has been overwhelming and humbling.

Even without the vacation I was so looking forward to, it's going to be a great summer.

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